
Saturday 8 October 2011

"Only 0 days to go"

Well kiddies, today is the day. I am overcome with fear/nausea/anxiety but mainly for the beginning. From what I can gather by what people tell me, actually starting running is mission impossible. Everyone is crowded together and pushing their way to the front. Not only does this eat into your time, it incorporates two of my biggest hates; pusher inners and crowds. 

All my focus at the moment is on the very start and I haven't given much consideration to the rest of the run. I know the first two miles are my personal hardest in the way of regulating my breathing and pace, cue Darth Vader. However that small section between 2 and 13.1 miles in a mystery. All I am hoping is that my mind doesn't give out before my legs do. 

I am currently eating Weetabix and drinking a cup of tea. I have never successfully managed to eat before I run but after the passing out incident the other day I feel it would be awfully foolish to attempt this on an empty stomach. 

So here it is, my last "pre-half marathon" post. 

Wish me luck.

Your soon-to-have-completed-a-half-marathon friend.

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