
Sunday 29 May 2011

A grinding halt.

Since my previous blog I have still been unable to go for a run. Still feeling poop da doop. I am not risking going for a run in my current state. I mean I would hate to pass out, have nobody find me for days and get mauled by local foxes. (Clearly it is necessary to stress that these foxes are "local". Not some foxes from a neighbouring county or tourist foxes on their holidays...)

I fear I now need glasses as every time I read I get a banging head ache or, on a bad day, a migraine. I will tell you now, glasses do not suit me. I have an oversized head, larger than average nose and wonky ears. 

I promise that my next blog WILL be run/half marathon related. 

I have high hopes for this coming week. 


Thursday 26 May 2011

Pants on a stick. Not literally

This week must rate at least Top 7 awful weeks of all time.

Monday: Woke up at 5am to cram for my exam. Flopped the exam. Answered the question I wanted to answer not what was actually asked. Monday night involved me staying up until 4 am, working on Wednesday's exam notes.

Tuesday: Felt like I had been run over by a TANK. Not a bus, not a lorry, but a TANK.

Wednesday: Woke up at 5am to cram for the exam. By the time it got to 9:30am I pretty much knew all my stuff backwards and forwards. I was pretty chilled. WELL this went to pot. My strongest topic was unanswerable. I started answering a question thinking it was all going fairly well. 30 mins in and I referred back to the question. I didn't want to make the same mistake as Monday. No, now that was be just stupid. Well apparently I am just THAT stupid. I had completely misread the question. I panicked, wrote and wrote and wrote making the whole thing worse. I was just about ready to pull my STUPID face off. Kept contradicting myself then left 40 mins to do the last question. Didn't understand the second question and made no actual argument, concluding with a vague "I don't know the right answer". Classic. I didn't go for a run. I drowned my sorrows in tea and watched Never Mind the Buzzcocks with housemate for a Noel Fielding high.

So this brings me to today: I woke up at 7 to go for my run. I was feeling pretty pants on a stick and it was raining but I went anyway. About 10 mins in I started to feel really sick, my vision went blurry and my head started banging. The curse of the migraine. I carried on running partially blind then hurt my leg in not one, but TWO places. By this point I was about ready to throw myself in front of a car. I only ran for 15 mins in total I think. I had to walk home completely disorientated, limping and clutching my head all the while hoping I wasn't going to black out. I can only imagine I looked a TREAT and not even slightly deranged.

I still have a headache as I speak. I only hope tomorrow is far more productive/less horrendous. I am planning on going for a run tomorrow health permitting. I figure no run can ever be as awful as today. It "out-awfuls" that time I got lost for an hour.

I am going to retire to a very dark room now.

Much love from your ever so tragic friend.

Monday 23 May 2011

Just in case.

My 7am run tomorrow is probably not going to happen. It is nearly 1 am and I am falling into a black hole of revision. My only saviour right now is the dulcet tones of George Michael. Yes, that's right kids, I have once again turned to Wham! for inspiration.

I can only apologise and will more than likely feel lethargic and rubbish tomorrow because of it. I will go on Wednesday and Thursday to make up for it whilst I have a little break between exams.

Must a "go go" on off now, my mug is awaiting another cup of caffeine to try and keep me alive for the mean time.

I have decided, my claim of being more of an "exam person" is utter bollocks. I say this because I am too lazy to do coursework. Revelation made, I'm off to do the insane amount of work I have left to do.


Sunday 22 May 2011

Not enough time in the day.

I went for a 35min run in the park again.
It was standard.
No water again.
I think I might be improving.
Getting less tired.

This is unfortunately all I have time for today. I have my first exam tomorrow and I am not even half way through making notes for it let alone learning it. Barrel of laughs.

Over an out.

Friday 20 May 2011

Early Bird.


I was out the door at 7:03 am. Shocking if you know me. I had a 30 min run in the park. It was a nice steady run at an even pace. Even better, there was barely anyone there to witness the beaut that is my good self running. Definitely need some new running shorts/trousers which have a pocket. Can't be wearing my hoodie jacket for much longer as it gets hotter. Sweaty Betty.

I have made a startling (worrying) discovery today. My bones are creaking as I am running. I don't know if this is down to the fact I have no calcium in the diet whatsoever? My nails are dead weak now too. As entertaining as it is to hear myself creak, I fear it is not a good thing. I would NHS Direct it but I almost certain it will tell me to "Ring 999 immediately" as I am having a stroke, heart attack and/or have meningitis. Again.

ALSO... I didn't drink any water on my run. Usually I exhaust myself mid run, stop and chug down a bottle then sound like a water bed for the rest of my run. I have no experience of how it feels to be a water bed, but I can only imagine it feels exactly like that too. 
I am now going to make myself a packed lunch for the library. Yes that is right. I have hit an all time low. Yesterday I had to buy a new laptop so today I am practically penniless. On the plus side, I can no longer afford to buy food so therefore won't be able to eat so much. Silver lining and all...

My next run is planned for Sunday morning. I have decided I need a new running playlist. Shake things up. You know how it is. Unfortunately I have an entire module to learn and remember by Monday so it will have to wait until after then.

Enjoy the sunshine. 

Much love.

Wednesday 18 May 2011


So I had to venture out the house early this morning to nab a prime spot in the library. I got there at 9am and have seemingly achieved nothing since. My first exam is on Monday. Then I have one on Wednesday and I couldn't even tell you when my other one is. Naturally I only started any form of revision today. Why break with tradition?

Because of this I had to go for a speedy 20min run today. I tried my hand (or my feet, WHAT A JOKER) at some sprinting down hill then speed walking uphill. It is horrific. Much more tiring than running at an even pace for however many mins. I see pain on the horizon...

I went at, what seemed to be, the busiest time of day. I hit the end of school, college, work, uni and peak shopping time from Morrisons apparently. Not a big fan of running around other humans. I do not sound healthy. Just call me Darth Vader.

I shall have to take my wheezy self back to my books again now. It is a fun life. My next run is set for Friday. I'll keep you posted.

Happy Hump Day.

Zay gezunt.

Monday 16 May 2011


So I had to bail on yesterdays run. Saturday night saw my housemate and I get a little bit Eurovision crazy. We went out. We drank A LOT. Fabulous night but I wasn't not feeling quite so fabulous the next day. Sunday involved mainly sleep, carbs (our bathroom floor leaking through into our kitchen but that's a whole other story), and films. 

Today I definitely made up for it. I had an excellent run in the park for 40mins. I stopped twice but this was mainly for my achey legs from all those shapes I was throwing on Saturday. Can you say Dad dancing? Generally feeling a whole lot more positive about these 13 miles I am going to be doing. I mean I am no ________________ (Insert famous runner) but I am starting to think it is maybe achievable. 

Note to self: Don't go for a run in the park on a Monday evening as this appears to be some form of cross country training. I have never felt quite so inadequate. 

Next run is planned for Wednesday morning. Tomorrow night is Mexican night with the course girls. Can't friggin' wait. I vow not to drink. A morning run whilst hungover does not appeal to me. Vomtastic.

Gracias por su atención. 


Saturday 14 May 2011

Not a great start admittedly

So my first run in about a month was pretty much as worse as it could have been. The plan was a 30 min light run to ease myself back into it. Unfortunately I got COMPLETELY lost and ended up running uphill, with the wind against me for a good hour, all the while wanting to shoot myself. Now this is not even logically possible. Surely if one goes up a hill on the way there, they will then come down the hill on the way back? Apparently not. Every road I turned down was even more horrendous than the last. I would say I won't be going that way again but, as I had no idea where I was, I can't be entirely certain.


  1. This is only the beginning.
  2. My next run will feel like a piece of cake compared to that bad boy.
  3. I still managed to run the most of it.
  4. I appear not to have injured myself.
  5. I didn't have to get a taxi back from my run (Not going to lie, it was awfully tempting). I found my own way back. 
  6. I can only conclude that my sense of direction is getting better...
So that is me for today. My next run is planned for tomorrow evening. I think I'll brave the public and go to the park for it. At least I will be able to find my way back...

Happy Eurovision


Friday 13 May 2011

Just a little bit of background information.

A few weeks ago my darling friend sent me a text along the lines of "I have just signed up for the Leicester half marathon, fancy it?" I was naturally dubious, I had only been running for a month or so then BAM, "you get a free T-Shirt". SOLD. I am not going to lie to you, I had no concept of how far a half marathon might even be. 13 miles so it turns out. Whooda thunk it?
So this brings me to today, the day BEFORE my training starts. Nobody starts anything on a Friday. I have set up my charity fundraiser page and have metaphorically set the ball rolling.

My auntie's husband, Paul, recently lost his two and half year battle, which started with bowel cancer, at the age of just 51. The charity I am running for is Bowel Cancer UK. Any pennies you can spare will be just fabulous. This is just a little blog to keep those who sponsor me (and those who just like a good ole nose)  updated with my progress. It is also to keep me motivated and MAKE me go running. Once I get one of those fancy apps I will be able to tell you times, miles and so on. Technology today...

Thanks for listening. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. Sweaty that's for sure.

Much love.