
Saturday 30 July 2011

Today I joined the blackberry club.

I have actual running related news to share today but would first like to get some other things out of the way.

Thinks what did happen today;

  1. My great aunt died ( I thought I would start with the bad news so it is done).
  2. I got a Blackberry and am now officially a member of the Blackberry club (or I will be within the next 24hours when it activates)
  3. I had the most racist customer in existence. By God did she "hate the f***ing foreigners" I might interview her for that dissertation I am still yet to start.
  4. I attempted going out sober. Needless to say it was so good I am home already.
  5. I won a year(+) long hair growing competition. VICTORY. 
I also went for a run this morning. I changed tactic. After being bored of the same running playlist I decided to crack on the Wicked soundtrack. Best decision I have ever made (please excuse my over exaggeration). I have also noticed a significant difference in my fitness levels which ain't too shabby either. I managed to pace myself for 25mins then needed a wee so had to sprint home. It is starting to concern me that such a thing might happen during the actual half marathon. I do not fancy puling a Paula Radcliffe..

Speaking of relieving oneself  in public, I went to see Bridesmaids on Wednesday. Bloody brilliant film and the trailers most definitely do not do it justice. Personal highlight? The dress fitting scene after the dodgy meal. I laughed so much I knocked over the popcorn. After years of suppressing my amusement at crudeness, I am now well and truly out of the closet. Please see above picture for evidence..

I feel like I have shared (maybe too) much with you this evening. Plans for tomorrow? Work and then the gym. I might be going alone after leaving two of my gym goers pretty smashed in town. Quiet drink my arse..

Goodnight my cherubs and sleep tight.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

I miss my girls.

Last night I went to steps with some of my Home Girls. By God, it is the hardest thing I have done in my life. Now I am a fairly co-ordinated person and can pick up moves quite quickly but was all over the bloody place. It didn't help that she made everyone do the same step until we all got it right. Can you say pressure? Went to the gym afterwards with The Gym Buddie and that just about finished me off. Work today was unbearable as I was having difficulty standing. Was supposed to go for a run after work today but am wiped (and am also now baby sitting Little Miss Pickleface) so shall instead lounge around and most probably eat crisps. Got me some dreadful cravings for M&S salt and vinegar spirals..

I had a fabulous weekend. I actually went out on the tiles for my Friend's birthday. After staying up until gone midnight creating this masterpiece below I was zapped. Two drinks into the night and it is fair to say that I was more than a little drunk. You might think that after a good 7 years drinking experience, I would be better at it by now? Fell asleep in the taxi on the way home (AT 1AM) and went straight passed my house. My usual £4 fare cost me £9. Smoooooooooooth..

I am now staring to really miss my uni girls. I mean I miss them already but now I reaaaaaallly do. Am in dire need of seeing their faces. Have pretty much been without a phone for the past week or so also so haven't even had the luxury of texting properly. I hope they know what is coming when I finally get my new phone. I will be bombarding them with texts constantly. Ladies, you know who you are, be warned. What saddens me the most is that my bestest girl is soon jetting off to sunny Cali. Lucky bitch. She is pretty much the other half of me and I can imagine I will feel more than little bit lost when back in Leicester. I knew I should have tried harder to sabotage her exams..

I am going to go for a run in the morning early I think then maybe the gym after. I have my fingers crossed for a successful run. It is about time. Shall let you know how it goes.

That is me for now.

Much love.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Anyone for a game of rounders?

So this morning, my friend and I planned on going to circuits. When we got there, however, we found out we were actually going to be playing rounders. Now you might think rounders sounds fun. You might have fond memories of playing rounders at school with your friends. You were also probably one of those people who were capable of making bat to ball contact. That one time you did actually manage to hit the ball, I bet somebody didn't catch it and shout "out". If you haven't twigged yet, I am not a big fan of rounders. There are a number of reasons for this.

Reasons I don't like rounders

  • I can't catch.
  • I can't throw.
  • I have no hand to eye co-ordination.
  • I am fiercely competitive. It is not wise to give me a bat when playing a game against others.
  • Regardless of how many times I play it, I will never understand the rules.
We wanted to leave and just go to the gym but the lady made us play one game at least. I mean it was okay, for rounders. My friend and I were not too shabby as it turned out. We both managed to actually hit the ball. Numerous times. The first time it happened, I was in shock and failed to run for ages. There was one time when I actually CAUGHT THE BALL (with one hand) when somebody hit it and got them "out". I like to think of it as rounders karma for all my previous dark experiences. 

Despite our achievements, I don't think we will be going back. We wanted a proper workout and rounders did not suffice. I went for a run after. I kept getting a weird pain in my ribs. Like knots? My "run" was a combination of running, being in pain, obscene language, walking for a bit, further obscene language and so on. To say I was frustrated with myself is an understatement. I am going to try again tomorrow and hopefully it will be better. It can't see how it can be worse. 13.6 miles is looking oh so far right about now..

Goodbye for now..

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Apples and other things.

So I have been an excellent gym goer, can't say the same for The Gym Buddie. He is a-slacking. Unfortunately I appear to be forgetting that I have got a half marathon to run. I haven't been for a run since I last blogged about it. Further unfortunately, I can't even remember when that was..

I went to a legs, bums and tums class yesterday which was pretty good. I still dream of going to a spinning class. I might need to build on my cycling a little at the gym first as I did 10 mins on the exercise bike the other day and thought my legs might drop off. Spinning seems to be a little bit ambitious right now. Work permitting, I shall be trying my hand at zumba on Monday with some of the work ladies. 

After eating a big, fat, Chinese last night I can only conclude that I am on the worst diet to ever exist in the universe. Ever. It was my sister's idea so she should have all responsibility and with that should come all the calories. I am still yet to find a cure for the incessant hunger (other than the undesirable, food). I have just stocked up on fruit so have all the intention of filling up on this. I am thinking that apples will be my new friends. I always forget how yum they are until I have one again (I have a similar thing with baked beans). Not only are they yum, but I have also been doing some research and found that; 

  • One medium apple contains about 80 calories.
  • The more apples a person eats, the lower his or her risk of developing lung cancer
  • The pectin in apples lowers cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
  • A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
  •  A single apple has approximately 1500mg of vitamin C to give the immune system a boost and almost half of the vitamin C content is just underneath the skin. 
Whilst I appreciate that this is not technically to do with running, I thought this was some information worth knowing. Stay tuned for my next post when I might enrich your life with some knowledge about baked beans..

Today I am not going to the gym but will make use of my niece as a weight for my legs and do some abs work. So tomorrow I am planning on a good run and the gym or maybe circuits. I shall also be eating apples. Obviously. I love apples. Apples, apples, apples. APPLES. 

So that is all for now.

Your apple-loving-friend.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

If hula-hooping were an Olympic sport..

Went for a spontaneous gym sesh last night with The Gym Buddy. Discovered the joys of hula-hooping. I have to say, I look absolutely ridiculous. Ridiculous to the point that I couldn't look in the mirror whilst doing it because it made me laugh so much. Didn't help that The Gym Buddy kept laughing at me. Deranged mentalist. Apparently I have no control over my arms. I hear it is excellent for the abs though. Went again today with The Mother. I am now practically a world class hula-hooper and am ready for further contests I shall be having with The Gym Buddy. If you ever find yourself a-hula-hooping one day, try walking whilst doing it. It is a chuckle and a half, I'll tell you now. My new "funny thing" to do.

The gym was followed by an unfortunate lunch of burger, chips and salad.

Note to self: Must find cure for this incessant, exercise induced, increased appetite. Such cure must not be food.

I must remember to get some sponsor forms printed off if I am ever to raise any money for my cause.

Your-hopefully-soon-to-be-ripped friend.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Bug Attack.

I went for my run. I did 4.3 miles in 50 mins. Had to walk a bit as it was so damn hot. Am now still covered in those tiny black bugs. If you know me, you will know how I feel about bugs. They are not welcome near me and most definitely on me...

Dare I say it, progress?


Wait for it..


Wait for it..



If that isn't progress, I don't know what is. Just had the best 12 hours sleep of my life which I clearly needed. However for the last 2 nights my dreams have consisted of self scan checkouts. I don't want to say that work is getting to me but..

It was really hot yesterday and my run was a bit of a sweatfest. I kept it short and sweat (HAR HAR HAR) with 2 miles. Today I am planning on going for a proper countryside run this afternoon. Whilst I appreciate it will be hot, it is also my only chance of picking up some form of a tan. Am currently looking an unhealthy shade of jaundice. The joys of being naturally yellow tinged.

Tomorrow was supposed to be The Gym Buddy and I's day off from exercise as we are hitting the cinema but I think I shall go in the morning as I am not going today.

Shall let you know how the run goes.

I was going to end with "tally-ho" but I just researched the phrase and it is largely used in fox hunting as a signal for when a rider sees a fox. I therefore shall not be using it as I now find the phrase morally repugnant. It is amazing what a little investigating (wikipedia) tells you. I shall instead go all classic and end with,

Good bye for now.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Mission Ripped.

Good evening.

I am back on the straight and narrow (sort of). I went to the gym yesterday and the gym today. I did plan on a morning run but slept right through my alarm as per so didn't have time before work. Hopefully tomorrow morning will be more successful. That is if I can walk again. Gotta say, I am walking like bambi after yesters and today. FEEL THE BURN. Have roped a friend into doing a spinning class with me next week. We hear they have disco lights so were naturally sold.

After work tomorrow I shall be back at the gym. This, my friends, shall be my summer. We call this mission ripped. Yesterday I was getting a distinct whiff of garlic sausage whilst on the cross trainer. At first I did fear it might be coming from me but I can now confirm, it was the man next to me. As soon as he got off the smell went with him. Panic over. Have to say, I quite like the gym. It is the only place where I feel like it is acceptable to be quite that sweaty...

Also have a small confession to make, I did say that I wouldn't be drinking any alcohols this summer but I have also agreed to go out this coming weekend. I mean, I have made a commitment to friends now and I would hate to go back on such a thing. I have the option of going out sober (for the first time in my life) and seeing how naff and dirty these places really are OR I can go out in my drunken dream bubble and think everything is fabulous then just suffer the consequences. I shall be going to go for the more appealing latter as the former sounds like badgers and bumholes. I am a girl who needs to throw her shapes and bust some moves. It's in my blood.

Shall let you know about my attempted morning run and how the gym goes tomorrow.

That is me for now...
